Yonsei University(Ph.D - Korean language education)
Ewha Womans University (MD - Korean language education)
Ewha Womans University (BD - Korean language and literature)
2012. 3. 1.~ Current, Honam University Professor
2011.12.29.~2012.01.19. Korean Language Education Department at Kyungin Education University (part-time lecturer)
2011.09.01.~2011. 12.31. Department of Korean Language and Culture at Sunmoon University (part-time lecturer)
2009.03.01.~2011. 2.29. Sungshin Women's University (part-time lecturer)
2007~2009 Full-time lecturer - Head of the Korean Teachers and Education Curriculum and Regular Courses
2002.04.01.~2012.02.23. Ewha Womans University Language Education Institute (Korean Language Instructor)
2001.03.02.~2002.02.28. Ewha Womans University Graduate School of Korean Studies (part-time lecturer)
2000.03.01.~2001.02.28. Seoul National University (part-time lecturer)
Other Career
2022.03~Current KF Global e-School Korean Language Education Project (Development of Korean Language Education VOD Contents and Overseas Broadcasting)
2022.09~Current Humanities and Social Sciences Research Institute Support Project (Phase 2)
2023.07~2023.12 Research and Development of Fundamental Model for Korean Language Classes Utilizing Metaverse
2023.08~2023.12 Development of Korean Language Proficiency Test (EPS-TOPIK) (Joint)
2023.06~2023.12 Operation of Sejong Academy Korean Language Teacher Training Program (Joint)
2019.09~2022.08 Humanities and Social Sciences Research Institute Support Project (Phase 1)
2022 Development of Advanced Courses at Sejong Cultural Academy (Joint)
2022 Research Foundation Humanities Urban Project (Joint)
2021.03~2022.02 KF Global e-School Korean Language Education Project (Development of Korean Language Education VOD Contents and Overseas Broadcasting)
2021 Development and Research on Evaluation of Korean Language Proficiency (King Sejong Institute Foundation) (Joint)
2020 Survey of Domestic and International Usage of Korean Language Textbooks (Joint)
2020 Development of Sejong Cultural Academy Basic Education Curriculum and Guidelines (Joint)
2020 Development of the Evaluation of Proficiency in Speaking at Sejong Institute (King Sejong Institute Foundation)
Academic Articles
1. Young Yun, Eun Ji Choi, Mira Jang, Hyang Lee , Yun jin Lee (2020), A Study on Development of Korean Language Textbook for Marriage Immigrants before Entry
to Korea, Language Facts and Perspectives (50), Institute of Language and Information Studies.
2. Young Yun, Yoo Jin Shin (2020), Research on Korean Culture Education for Prospective Married Immigrants at King Sejong Institute - Focusing on the composition
of curriculum and chapters -, Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (63(2)), Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences
3. Young Yun (2020), A Study on the Model of Education to Improve 'Film Literacy' of Korean Learners, Cultural Exchange and Multicultural Education (JCE) (9(1)),
Korean Association for International Culture Exchanging
4. Young Yun, Eun Hee Moon(2020), A Study on Korean Instructors' Experiences with Visiting Korean Education, EOMUNNONCHONG,
THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE (36), The institute of korean language and literature in chonnam national university
5. Young Yun (2019), Consensual Qualitative Research on Learning Motivations for Korean among Children of North Korean Defectors That Were Born in China.,
Teaching Korean as a Foreign Language (54), The Institute of Language Research and Education Yonsei University
6. Young Yun (2019), A Study on Teaching Korean Culture Using Historical Films - Focusing on Foreign Learners Majoring in Korean Language and Korean Studies -,
Cultural Exchange and Multicultural Education (JCE) (8(2)), Korean Association for International Culture Exchanging
7. Young Yun (2019), Teaching the value of filial piety using classic tales in Korean language education : Focusing on <Hyoseon Chapter> in 『SamgukYusa』 ,
Journal of Education & Culture (JOEC) (25(1)), Education Reserch Institute
8. Young Yun, Mi Hyang Lee, Eun Ji Choi, Jin Wook Park(2018), A Study on Improving the Korea Immigration & Integration Program’s Korean Curriculum and
Textbook for Immigrants as a Specific Purposes, Journal of the International Network for Korean Language and Culture (15(1)),
International Network For Korean Language And Culture (Ink)
9. Young Yun, Kyung Lee (2018), A Study on the Use of Educational Application to Facilitate Interaction in Korean Language Education: Focusing on the “In-Class”
stage of Flipped-learning. Bilingual Research (70),The Korean Society Of Bilingualism
10. Young Yun, Kyung Lee (2017), A study on flipped-learning-based grammar teaching method to improve Korean speaking ability, Journal of Education &
Culture (JOEC) (23(4)), Education Reserch Institute
11. Young Yun, Young Soon Kim, Kyung Hwa Ahn, Mi Jin Won, Jang Geun Oh(2017), Learner's Factors and Korean linguaculture education, The language and
Culture (13(2)), Korean Language And Culture Education Society
12. Young Yun, Kyeong Ae Son (2016), A Study on the Contents and Methods of the Korean Cultural Education for the Social Integration of Immigrants,
The language and Culture (12(3)), Korean Language And Culture Education Society
13. Young Yun (2016), Directions for the Development of Cultural Materials for Overseas Students Learning the Korean Language,
from the Perspective of Interculturalism, Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (40), Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences
14. Young Yun (2015), An Analysis of the Trend in Qualitative Research and Future Directions in Korean Cultural Education, The language and Culture (11(2)),
Korean Language And Culture Education Society