Manuscript Submission Guidelines
The journal Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences – Toward Cultivating Global Citizenship (SHSS) is published four times a year by the Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences based at Honam University in Gwangju, Korea.

The journal invites the submission of original manuscripts in either Korean or English that deal with global citizenship in any aspect.Submissions should be uploaded to the SHSS web site ( or, for non-Korean scholars, emailed to

For manuscripts to qualify for consideration for an upcoming issue,the final dates for submissions will be, for the issue to be published on:

1. February 28: January 1 for Korean-language articles, January 15 for English-language articles

2. May 31: April 1 for Korean-language articles, April 15 for English-language articles 

3. August 31: July 1 for Korean-language articles, July 15 for English-language articles 

4. November 30: October 1 for Korean-language articles, October 15 for English-language articles

To better reach its cosmopolitan objectives and achieve a global readership, an article originally written in Korean will be presented in both Korean- and English-language versions. It is the responsibility of the author(s) to provide a translation into English, although translation of the manuscript into English may be postponed until after the submission is accepted for publication by SHSS.
The deadlines for author revisions in response to peer reviewers’ comments and for the English translation of Korean manuscripts would be, for publication in the February 28 issue, February 9; for May 31, May 9; for August 31, August 9; and for November 30, November 9.
A submitted manuscript should be the exclusive work of the designated author(s) and cannot currently be on offer to another publisher, nor can it have been previously published except in an earlier form 2 the proceedings of an academic conference or as an upload designated as an unpublished manuscript to a shared-scholarship site such as or The manuscript should be submitted in Microsoft Word. Because the final version should be between 11 and 25 pages in length including figures, tables, pictures, and references, the manuscript should not exceed 7,500 words or 40,000 characters.
The first page should include:

1. A title that adequately represents the subject matter and theme of the submission and specifies the appropriate geographical
    and/or temporal context.

2. The name(s) of the author(s), current academic or other affiliation(s), email address(es), and, in the case of multiple authors, an
    indication as to who should be considered the primary correspondent for the submission and, if published, article.

3. An abstract of 150-200 words summarizing the nature, importance, and contributions of the submission. The abstract should not
    include complex symbols, mathematical notations, or bibliographical references. For articles written in English, the abstract will be
    translated into Korean by either the author(s) or, in the case of submissions by non-Koreans, the editorial staff of SHSS. 

4. Between 3 and 6 keywords describing the contents and addressing the most significant issues raised by the submission. The keywords
    are essential for finding appropriate reviewers and for guiding future readers via citation indexes.

The text should begin on the next page following. It is recommended and, in the case of longer submissions, required that the text be divided into up to six subsections designated by Roman numerals (I, II, III, etc.) and subsection titles.
All figures and, separately, all tables should be consecutively numbered in Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, etc.) in order of appearance and referenced in the text.
The title of a figure is placed at the bottom of the figure, while the title of a table is placed at the top of the table. Authors are strongly encouraged to use colors in figures, tables, and photos to enhance legibility and clarity.
The reference for issues of style and presentation for this journal is the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2017). Except in titles or quotations that may observe the original author’s choices, the spelling of English-language words and other presentation issues in which British and U.S. styles may differ (for example, the use of double- vs. single-quotation marks) should follow standard American practice.
For references and citations the journal uses the author-date format alternative as specified in the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition (2017). An exception from standard Chicago Manual presentation is for Korean authors with standard three-syllable names. Due to the nature of written Korean and the limited number of common Korean family names, house style for the journal allows full names within parenthetical citations; e.g., a proper citation within a Korean-language article, or its translation, to an article by Park Jung-hwan would be (Park Jung-hwan 2018) rather than (Park 2018).
All references and citations are to be presented in the Korean Hangeul alphabet or the Roman alphabet. For English-language submissions, sources in other scripts (for example, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Greek, Arabic, or Hebrew) should be transliterated. For Korean-language submissions, house style allows that, at the author(s)’ discretion, sources in other scripts may be presented in the original format.
The list of references following the text is presented in one section (English-language submissions) or one or two sections (Korean-language submissions).

1. For Korean-language submissions, the first section presents Korean-language sources, including translations from other languages, in
    Hangeul script, while a second section presents all sources in languages other than Korean. At the author(s)’ discretion, non-Korean
    language sources not originally in the Roman alphabet may be grouped by and, where appropriate, alphabetized within the original
    script, introduced by a subtitle indicating the language (e.g., Sources in Chinese and/or Sources in Russian). In the English translation of
    a Korean-language submission, the same format for the list of references is retained from the Korean original, except that
    alphabetization of names follows the order of letters in English rather than Korean. For consistency, SHSS house style requires that in a
    two-part given (non-family) name, the first letter is capitalized, a hyphen divides the two parts, and the second part starts with a lower-
    case letter (e.g., Kwon Hyo-jin).

2. For submissions originally written in English, all sources are grouped in one list of references and alphabetized by author. Titles of works
    referenced in foreign languages need not be translated, but if written in a non-Roman alphabet or other script both author name(s) and
    title should be transliterated according to standard Romanization.

For the list of references in an English-language submission and, if needed, the list of non-Korean language sources, author names should be given as recorded on the title page of the source; initials for first names are permitted only if the source being referenced does not include any other information, and the full name of the author is not available from other sources.
For guidance on citations and references, see the complete print or online editions of the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition (2017); the instructions at; or, for quick reference for common types of bibliographical entry and special issues of journal house style, the following examples:

Book, single author or editor 


1. Kim, Suk-young. 2014.

    DMZ Crossing: Performing Emotional Citizenship along the Korean Border.

    New York: Columbia University Press. 

In-Text Citation: 

(Kim 2014, 144) or Kim (2014, 144) has argued that.... 

[N.B.: The exception to preferred Chicago in-text citation style noted above for Korean scholars would not apply in the case of Koreans involved in global scholarship.]

Book, two authors or editors


1. Almond, Gabriel A., and Sidney Verba. 1963. 

    The Civic Culture: Political Attitudes and Democracy in Five Nations. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 

In-Text Citation: 

(Almond and Verba 1963, 25)

Book, three authors or editors


1. Miller, Randall M., Harry S. Stout, and Charles Reagan Wilson, eds. 1998.

    Religion and the American Civil War. New York: Oxford University Press. 

In-Text Citation: 

(Miller, Stout, and Wilson 1998).

Book, four or more authors or editors


1. Marcus, Charlotte, Jerome Waterman, Thomas Gomez, and Elizabeth DeLor. 1990. 

    Investigations into the Phenomenon of Limited-Field Criticism. Boston: Broadview Press. 


2. In the reference list, all authors or editors are specified unless there are more than ten. Only then may a non-italicized et al.,
    the abbreviation for et alia (Latin for “and others”), be used after the name of the first author or editor. 

In-Text Citation: 

(Marcus et al. 1990, 15-22). 


3. If a book has more than three authors or editors, the citation lists only the first author and alludes to the others as
    et al., no italics.

Article in printed scholarly journal


1. Laurence, Henry. 2007. “Japan’s Proactive Foreign Policy and the Rise of the BRICs.” Asian Perspective 31 (4): 177-203. 

In-Text Citation: 

(Laurence 2007, 178).

Article in an edited book 


1. Woods, Nagire. 2003. “The United States and the International Financial Institutions: Power and Influence within the World Bank
     and the IMF.” In US Hegemony and International Organizations, edited by Rosemary Foot, S. Neil MacFarlane, and Michael
    Mastanduno, 92-114. New York: Oxford University Press. 

In-Text Citation: 

(Woods 2003, 95).



1. Park, Jae Kyu. 2008. “Prospects for Inter-Korean Relations and US-DPRK
    Webcast uploading event of September 8. 


2. If specific information on the website indicating date of submission or last modification of the material is lacking,
    use the date when the author(s) last accessed the site, with the year following the author or material name and the month and
    day of access entered at the end as, for example: “North Korea-South Korea Relations.” 2018. Wikipedia. Accessed 21 January 2018. 

In-Text Citation:

(Park 2008) in the first case, (“North Korea-South Korea Relations” 2016) in the second.

Multiple entries by the same author, sometimes with the same year of publication 


1. Wilson, Edward O. 1975a. “Human Decency is Animal.” New York Times Magazine (October 12, 1975): 38-50. 

———. 1975b. Sociobiology: The New Synthesis. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 

———. 1992. The Diversity of Life. New York: W. W. Norton. 


2. Indication of the same author is made by three consecutive 3-em dashes. The exact same creators of a multiple-author work may
    also be designated by three 3-em dashes, but any variation at all (for example, the substitution of a fifth author) requires a new
    fully written out entry. Designation of a or b (or c or more) entries of an author within a single year is made not through
    chronological sequence but through alphabetical order. 

In-Text Citation: 

The original formulation of sociobiology (Wilson 1975b) 

raised concerns across the left, but feminists were especially upset by a subsequent article by Wilson (1975a)

Korean-language citations and references follow the same format with these exceptions:

1. Following Asian practice, all names, including all those specified in multiple author or editor entries, are listed with their family names
    first and without commas between the family and given names.

2. Because there is no difference between capital and lower-case letters in Hangeul, capitalization is irrelevant.

3. Brackets are used instead of italics for the titles of books or journals.

Within twenty-four (24) hours of the submission of a proposed article for SHSS the chief editor or an individual designated by the chief editor will examine it with regard to the guidelines for submission as outlined above in accordance with the following checklist:

1. Creation in Microsoft Word

2. Full information as required on author(s) 

3. A title descriptive of the content, timeline, and geographical focus (e.g., whether based on data referring exclusively to one country,
    the Republic of Korea or any other) 

4. An abstract of 150-200 words summarizing the nature, importance, and contributions of the submission 

5. Between 6 (six) and 8 (eight) keywords 

6. Division of text of any significant length into subsections with titles 

7. In-text parenthetical citations following the author-date format of the Chicago Manual of Style; use of footnotes, if any, to present
    explanatory and other non-critical information, not for citations 

8. Proper descriptive titles for any tables or figures, with placement of titles as specified (above tables, below figures) 

9. For articles submitted in Korean (as well as the required translation into English, if it accompanies the submission in Korean) one or two
    lists of references, one for sources in Hangeul, the other, if needed, for non-Korean language sources; for articles originally submitted in
    English, one list of all references 

10. In any list of references, full author names as recorded on the title page of the source (initials to be used only if present on the title
      page, and the full author name is not known from other sources) 

11. In any list of references, adherence to the relevant alphabetical order (Hangeul or Roman alphabet) 

12. In any list of references, adherence to the format outlined for author-date references in the Chicago Manual of Style

If deficiencies are found in any of the above twelve (12) items, the submission will be returned promptly to the author or chief author with a description of the deficiency or deficiencies and a request for rectification within twenty-four hours to insure consideration in the upcoming issue of SHSS.

From volume 61 (published on November 30, 2018), journals will only be published online. And after that, there are no offline publications. However, previous publications are kept at the Humanities and Social Sciences Research Institute.